Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Do You Ever Get Bored....

Of blogs? It's an interesting question that came up in conversation recently with an old friend of mine. I was talking about a popular blog that I have somewhat recently become bored with, and she agreed that she also found it to be a snore. In fact, although I enjoy blogging myself and reading blogs from others as well, in the past six months I've found it to be quite boring. It seems like they're all so similar. I like the visual aspect of the blogs, but find myself bored with the content. Or, as with the aforementioned popular blog, I find myself thinking, "Come on, find something interesting to put on there besides all of your shiny expensive things that were either given to you by a label looking for publicity or purchased at a price that your average working girl can't afford." It's one thing to put the occasional pic of an awesome Michael Kors bag you found at a killer price or another great new makeup product you found by CHANEL or Dior, but another thing to on a regular basis post pictures of all the pricey items you purchase from week to week. It's fun to admire for a while, but eventually, the excitement wears off and it leaves me feeling quite bored. It also leaves me feeling like I don't want to blog myself, which is annoying to me. I've never been super great at keeping up with my blog to begin with, considering how busy I am and the fact that I have a real, full time, work-your-butt-off kind of job...and feeling uninspired makes me slack on it even more. So, I suppose the bottom line is that, although I enjoy blogging and reading others' blogs, sometimes it's boring to me. When the mood strikes, I will catch up on reading blogs I like (or at least viewing the visual part of those blogs) and occasionally, I'll even post something myself here on this blog of my own.

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