Monday, November 29, 2010

Black Friday: Just Say NO!!

I know to some of you this may sound absurd, but I braved my first Black Friday holiday shopping trip this Thanksgiving weekend. It was nuts! It was - FREEZING!! There were LINES! There were deals and there were some sales. Was it worth it? NO WAY! I seriously don't know how people do this! Any deals there were, were NOT worth me having to stand in the freezing cold to wait to get in the stores. I was annoyed that standing in line for so long to get in to a single store prevented me from being able to go to several other ones I would have liked to go to as well. I was also annoyed that the lines to get to the cash registers to pay for the things I wanted to buy started at the back of the stores and wrapped all around the racks and shelves of items where mobs of people were trying to shop. And, I was annoyed that not only was I a walking zombie while shopping, but that a single essentially worthless shopping trip has completely thrown my whole sleeping pattern off track...and if you happen to know me, you know that's no bueno for someone who already has issues falling asleep at night. Bottom line: I will NEVER do Black Friday shopping again. I think there's something to be said for:
a) doing a little shopping a few days a week in the weeks leading up to Christmas about an hour or two before the stores close when there's a lot less people out and about
b) ONLINE SHOPPING...with a cup of hot chocolate, sitting in your pajamas, while parking it in front of your laptop on the couch with your favorite Christmas music or movie playing in the calm background
Now that, people, is my idea of shopping!!

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